Thursday, August 29, 2013

Morganissa Cat


This is my neighbor’s cat. This cat is very funny. Her name is Morganissa. This cat is very similar to Raditya Dika's cat. Besides that, the owner also idolized Raditya Dika. And then she gives her cat’s name Morganissa. Morganissa is a domestic cat.
The colour of her fur is white chocolate stripes. She has smooth fur. She has a medium body. Her eyes is round and shine. She has small ears. Her tail is not too long. She has straight white mustache. Her mustache smooth and long. And she has a small nose.
She very like eats boiled fish. Every day, the owner gives boiled fish and drink to Morganissa. Besides eats boiled fish, Morganissa also like to hunts mice in the owner’s home and the neighbor’s home. Morganissa is curious cat, because she not like Whiskas special food for cat.
Morganissa is active cat. She always walks back and forth every time, except at night she sleeps on the owner’s home. But Morganissa never sleeps at noon. Sometimes at noon, Morganissa like climbs tree, fence, and roof. And also rolls on the sands. Morganissa also like wrestles with other cats. She like chases other cats, and usually they wrestle even ones of her rival broken. There are Morganisa’s behavior every day.

Name              : Ferly Arvidia Anindita
Class               : VIII-I
Absence         : 08 (eight)


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