Monday, March 30, 2020

English Fable

Fairy Tales of Deer and Turtle
(by: Ferly Arvidia Anindita)

Live a deer in ancient times. He was very arrogant and angry. Often he underestimates the ability of other animals.
One day the deer strolled on the edge of the lake. He met a turtle that just seemed to be pacing. He asked the turtle, what was she doing here?
The turtle replied that she was looking for a source of livelihood.
The deer suddenly got angry at the turtle's answer. He said that he didn’t pretend her. He said that she just went back and forth but acted like she was looking for a source of livelihood.
The turtle tried to explain, but the deer remained angry. In fact, the deer threatened to step on the turtle's body. The turtle who was annoyed finally challenged the strength of their leg calf.
The deer is very angry to hear the turtle's challenge to fight her calf. He also requested that the turtle kick his calf first. He said that she should be kicked as hard as she can, as much as she can.
The turtle is not willing to do it. She said that if she kicked his legs, he would fell and couldn’t kick her back.
The deer grew angry at the turtle's words. He also gets ready to kick. He is planning. When it felt right, he kicked with his front legs as strong as possible.
When the deer swung its leg, the turtle immediately put her legs into her shell. The deer's kick is only about empty space. The deer is very angry to find the kick is not hit. He then stepped on the turtle's shell strongly. As a result, the turtle's body sank into the ground. The deer thought the turtle was dead. He also left the turtle.
The turtle tried hard to get out of the ground. After a week of trying, the turtle finally managed to get out of the ground. She then looked for the deer. She found the deer after a few days of searching. She said that the deer should be got ready, it’s her turn to kick.
The deer only underestimated the turtle's abilities. He said that the turtle should put all her abilities into kicked his calves. He said that the turtle should come on, didn’t hesitated.
The turtle is on standby and takes a swing at a high place. She then rolled his body. When almost near the deer's body, she raised her body so that her body floated. The turtle is eyeing the deer's nose. So hard the turtle shell hit until the deer's nose broke. Immediately the arrogant deer died.


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